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Title: Drizzling rain...
It rains nonstop hereAnd a memory of my childhood
comes to my mind...
Sometimes I wish to be a child again
to take off my shoes and walk with bare feet
in all of these 1000s of muddy small lakes
made on the streets and in the fields
To feel the warmness of a small lake
what we adults call a dirty puddle
But what a joy!
Dancing under drizzling
warm summer rain
Have wet hair and clothes
and get muddy and feel
free and innocent
as once I was
a simple child
full of joy and free of worry
of the future
But now, after growing up a little
drizzling rain is for me like
a 1000 gentle kisses and touches
of an unknown lover
I want to be with
I love to absorb
each drop that has just fallen down
on me and to feel the
pleasure of an unknown lover
sent to me
To fill up my thirsty desire
of his honest intimacy
and charming modesty